Navy Develops New Software-based Intelligence System For Identifying Security Threats

Equipment & technology


Modus Operandi, a leading software and information integration technology company, has been selected to provide the U.S. Navy with an innovative intelligence analysis system that fuses human intelligence with several other types of intelligence and video, dramatically reducing analyst workload and improving the targeting of threats on land and sea.

The Phase I small business innovative research contract, known as the Semantic Targeting and All-source Fusion Framework (STAFF), fuses human intelligence (HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), full motion video and moving target indicator data, which involves using radar to find a moving target among stationary objects. STAFF leverages text analytics and semantic technologies to identify, extract and model relationships between entities, activities and events shown in these intelligence sources. Relationships representing this fused information are made available locally and across the enterprise through the Navy’s Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) Integration Backbone (DIB).

Additionally, a counterinsurgency targeting tool will use STAFF web services to produce superior targeting of threats afloat and ashore. STAFF and the targeting tool will significantly reduce intelligence analyst workload and improve tipping and targeting effectiveness within systems such as the Navy’s Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS-N), a critical worldwide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) integration network.

“The STAFF system will cut the amount of time that analysts spend studying huge amounts of intelligence derived from listening to insurgent conversations and watching surveillance video,” said Dr. Richard Hull, executive vice president and chief scientist, Modus Operandi. “STAFF pulls all this together and uses advanced analytics and semantic technologies to improve situational awareness and increase operational adaptation.”

About Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi is a software technology company focused on accelerating information discovery, fusion, integration and understanding. Since 1984, the company has been on the forefront of information technology advancement. As a result of continuous innovation and multi-million dollar investment, our solutions are now at work in many mission critical operations.

Source: modusoperandi, March 18, 2011