Assistant Secretary of Navy Stops Non-Essential Civilian Deployments to Japan



The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) directed the immediate stop of movement for all Department of the Navy non-emergency essential civilian personnel to the island of Honshu, Japan.

Due to the damages as a result of the recent earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Japan, it has been determined that the movement of non-emergency essential civilian personnel to commands and activities on the island of Honshu will be stopped effective immediately.

Emergency essential positions are designated as such in the civilian position description. Employees are typically notified of this determination in the “DOD Civilian Employee Overseas Emergency-Essential Position Agreement.”

Non-emergency essential employees with permanent change of station (PCS) or temporary duty (TDY) authorizations to the island of Honshu, Japan, who have not yet commenced travel, are directed to stay with their current activity. Personnel who are already in transit, should contact their gaining activity’s Human Resources Office (HRO) for guidance.

Department of the Navy civilian employees affected by this stop movement may be eligible for entitlements such as temporary quarters subsistence and other allowances. For questions regarding these entitlements, employees should contact their nearest HRO.

Source: navy, March 29, 2011;