Kuwait’s Government Officials Visit Navy Forces in Bahrain


Kuwait’s Prime Minister has made a short visit to Bahrain to meet Kuwaiti navy forces stationed in the Persian Gulf kingdom since late March. During his visit on Tuesday, Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah once again stressed his support for the Al Khalifa regime in Manama, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported.

The people of Bahrain have been protesting since February 14, demanding an end to the rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty. Scores of people have been killed and hundreds left wounded or tortured by Bahraini and Saudi troops since then.

Members of the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council are like one state. So whatever harms Bahrain, harms all [P]GCC state members,” Sheikh Nasser told Kuwaiti naval forces. Sheikh Nasser concluded that the troops’ mission in Bahrain is the same as what they conduct in Kuwait.

Kuwait joined the Saudi-led foreign military invasion of Bahrain on March 21.

The Arab sheikhdom sent some navy units — with Kuwaiti ground troops onboard — to the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom to help Manama crack down on anti-government protesters. Kuwait claims its forces are helping calm the situation in Bahrain, under a [P]GCC defense pact.

This is while the 2001 Peninsula Shield Force commits [P]GCC countries to rush to the aid of any of the six state members, only if they are attacked by a foreign power. Despite the illegality of the invasion, Saudi Arabia has so far deployed over 1,000 troops to Bahrain, while the United Arab Emirates has dispatched around 500 police forces to assist in the violent repression of Bahraini protesters.

Bahraini opposition groups have continuously condemned the presence of foreign troops in their country, calling it an “occupation.” Despite the heavy-handed tactics used against peaceful demonstrators, protesters maintain that they will hold their ground until their demands for freedom, a constitutional monarchy, and a voice in the government are met.


Source: presstv, May 04, 2011;