USSF, 2nd Fleet Begins Phase Two of Crisis Exercise

Training & Education



U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF) and Commander, 2nd Fleet began phase two of a merged staff functional assessment June 27, in advance of consolidating the two headquarters into one command by Sept. 30.

Phase two is a four-day exercise designed to evaluate the merged command’s ability to react to a crisis event.

The internal staff exercise will involve the movement of approximately 125 personnel to an alternate operating facility outside of the local area in response to a notional hurricane scenario, testing the command’s ability to execute a Continuity of Operations Plan.

This phase two assessment is designed to identify gaps and seams across elements of the staff during a simulated crisis; ensure staff capability to operate across strategic, operational and tactical levels of responsibility; demonstrate the ability to exercise command & control of the fleet from an alternate operating facility; and enable directorates and special assistants to prepare for hurricane season.

We must identify any gaps and seems that may exist, and fix them before we finalize the staff merger,” said Rear Adm. Scott Craig, USFF, deputy chief of staff for Fleet Capabilities Requirements, Concepts, and Experimentation.

Our ability to remotely maintain command and control capabilities is fundamental to ensuring we are ready to assume operational control of the fleet regardless of the environmental factors.”

The merged staff functional assessments are a result of a deliberate planning process which objectively analyzed the missions, functions and tasks of both headquarters’ respective staffs. Based on this analysis, a restructured USFF staff was developed to ensure the consolidated organization was able to execute its mission without risk to operational forces. The restructured staff will be fully formed by late July, at which point personnel and functions from the 2nd Fleet staff will begin transitioning to USFF in order to meet the Sept. 30, disestablishment date.

The ability to assume no risk to the execution of current operations and all operational functions of C2F is fundamental to the merger of the USFF/C2F staffs,” said Craig.

USFF/2nd Fleet consolidation is part of the Secretary of Defense-initiated series of efficiencies for all services to save the Department of Defense more than $150 billion over the next five years.

USFF and C2F concluded phase one of the assessment June 17. Phase one tested the staff’s battle rhythm, synchronization, business rules and authorities to ensure the staff can operate across strategic, operational and tactical levels while also conducting operations on the Maritime Operations Center watch floor in support of fleet operations. A third and final assessment that further refines processes and procedures will be conducted prior to the merger.

Source: navy, June  29, 2011;