HMAS Perth Completes All Acceptance Trials for DMO

Equipment & technology


Perth has now successfully completed all Acceptance Trials for DMO and an early Operational Assessment for Navy, which has culminated in successful range activities in the Pacific Missile Range Facility off Hawaii in June.

The crew of Perth can now feel justifiably proud of the accomplishment of the DMO/Navy/Industry team. Let us share some of those lesser- known changes with you. Enclosed Quarterdeck

In order to handle planned growth throughout the life of the ANZAC Ships, it is intended that all of the ANZAC class will be progressively modified via the enclosure of the quarterdeck. The increase to the ship’s reserve buoyancy helps bring such modified FFHs into the 3750 tonne classification and making the ship considerably safer in higher sea states, even though the ship now sits 30cms deeper in the water. This change also brought with it the unintended but entirely welcomed improvements to habitability by providing a large, full enclosed and air conditioned space that is just ideal for table tennis, darts, movie nights and Sea Training Group debriefings – just not concurrently!

Combined Senior Sailors’ Mess

As a result of a the Commander Surface Forces initiative, a trial was implemented in Perth to merge the previously separate Chief Petty Officer’s and Petty Officer’s Dining and Recreation spaces into a combined Dining Space (formerly the CPO’s Mess) and a combined Recreation Space (formerly the PO’s Mess). Whilst not funded for full implementation as yet, the initial feedback from the Perth Senior Sailors is positive, with greater teamwork and communications amongst the most obvious benefits. Careful consideration will however need to be made of space and design issues (given the number of Senior Sailors involved) if combined messing is to be rolled out across the ANZAC Class.

Garbage Management

One consequence of the enclosed quarterdeck concerns the management of garbage onboard Perth. Having lost this large open ventilated space, and not wanting to simply clutter up the waist with numerous wheelie bins, ANZAC Systems Program Office installed a complete garbage management system. This system requires the absolute cooperation of all ships company, as all four types of waste must be separated at point of origin, whilst any food waste containers must be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in bins awaiting compaction. Paper and plastics are shredded and baled into ‘bricks’ which are then easily stored until the next ditching opportunity, whilst glass and metals are shredded and stored in up to 16kg ‘biscuit’ tins. Whilst being manpower intensive, the system does enable an FFH to retain garbage onboard for over 30 days if being tasked to remain within an environmentally sensitive area such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Operations Room layout/displays/combat system

When most people talk about the ASMD Upgrade they think of the new active phased array radar, but at the heart of the ASMD upgrade is the updated Mk3E Combat Management System (CMS) and redesigned the operations room layout that provides the Command Team with unprecedented situational awareness and weapon system coordination. This fully integrated system is now one of the most modern CMS in the world and gives the ship a fully flexible capability to utilise all the weapons, sensors and countermeasures simultaneously.

Navigation Radar and Navigation Display System (NDS)

The new navigation fit now comprises two Military Off The Shelf ‘Sharpeye’ radars provided by Kelvin Hughes. The video from these two radars is combined into a world first single video output that prevents ‘blind arcs’ that can be experienced by single feed systems suffered as a result of obstructions such as ships superstructure. The system also provides a navigation tactical display in the Bridge and Operations Room, and with video output feeding into the Combat Management System, ECDIS and CCTV outputs (enabling display to any output throughout the ship, ie the CO’s Cabin to increase situational awareness). With Perth now being certified for NDS use, the ship no longer needs to maintain numerous paper charts.

Infra Red Search and Track (IRST)

Two IRSTs have been installed in Perth, one forward above the bridge and the other aft on 02E deck, above the hangar. This system provides further situational awareness (day and night) by displaying Infra Red outputs to the Operations Room. This system provides unparalleled situational awareness, search capability (for targeting or even man-over-boards) and track data for the combat system.

Wireless Hotspot

Adding to the previously fitted Internet Cafe, Perth crew now leap into the new millennium with the installation of a WiFi hotspot that services the Junior Sailor’s Café, Senior Sailor’s Messes and the enclosed quarterdeck, providing ample locations for crew to link up with family and friends via social networking and video conference online facilities. These lifestyle changes are making big inroads in reducing the distance and time separation from loved ones and friends.
Source: navy, July 6, 2011;