USA: STG Awards USD 100 Million Contract to Support SSC-A


STG, Inc. (STG) has been awarded a contract to support the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center–Atlantic (SSC-A). STG will perform work related to the Navy Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems located at worldwide shore and ship operational commands, centers and facilities. It is a multiple award IDIQ with a potential value of $99.9 million over seven years.

“STG provides critical support that enables the Navy to use information as a warfighting tool — ensuring that the right information gets to the warfighter on time and in a secure environment,” said Jim Felter, STG SVP, Defense Sector.

STG began supporting SPAWAR 15 years ago with the dual transformational initiatives of Copernicus and the Navy–Marine Corps “From the Sea” doctrine. Under the terms of this contract, STG will support SSC-A in areas such as Enterprise Management; Configuration Management; Storage Management; Operations Management, including Local and Remote Operations; Security Management; Help Desk; Training, including formal classroom and On-The-Job Training; Equipment and System Installation and Removal; Remedial System Support; Procurement of Replacement Equipment; and Shipping, Packaging, and Transportation.

For the past 15 years, STG has provided the Navy with the requisite C4ISR capabilities needed to deliver superior IT solutions to our warfighters,” said STG President and CEO, Simon Lee.Working with SSC-A, we will help them answer the challenges of today and conquer the challenges of tomorrow.”


About STG

Since 1986, STG has provided the U.S. government with customer-focused, performance-based solutions — using technology as an engine to drive our customers’ missions. Solutions are leveraged from our core competencies in enterprise network operations, cyber security, financial services, systems engineering and integration, and software engineering. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, STG, with annual revenues exceeding $250 million, is one of a small percentage of U.S. companies with an SEI CMMI Maturity Level 3 rating and ISO 9001:2008 certification — ensuring repeatable processes with high-quality, low-risk results for our customers.
Source: stg, July 7, 2011