Russia: Black Sea Fleet Frigates Start Practice at Sea

Training & Education


In accordance with combat training annual plan, Black Sea Fleet (BSF) started practice at sea.

BSF frigates Ladny and Pytlivy carried out mine-laying drills and held a torpedo firing at an “enemy” ship.

Besides, the crews performed gun firing at a towed ship silhouette which imitated the surface target, and group antiaircraft warfare with gun firings at air targets.

Being within the fire support unit, BSF flagship Guard missile cruiser Moskva and frigate Pytlivy hit coastal targets by onboard artillery at the fleet’s Opuk Range.

Large landing ships Azov and Yamal have performed similar tasks at the same range. Improving engagement skills, the crews fired non-guided rockets at coastal targets as a preparation for landing assault.

Source: rusnavy, August 19, 2011;