New Russian Corvettes to get Phasotron-NIIR Advenced Radars

Equipment & technology


Russian Navy tied a contract with Phasotron-NIIR for development of radars to be mounted on corvettes, reports Interfax referring to Yury Guskov, the company’s general designer.

The contract cost has not been disclosed so far; according to its terms, the first sample of new shipboard radar must be presented in 2011, said Yury Guskov. The company has already started to work on the radar and is being financed by Russian defense ministry.

The general designer of Phasotron-NIIR did not name the project of ships to be equipped with new radars, although said that “the radar ‘pyramid’ will be mounted on corvettes”. Presumably, that would be Project 20380 corvettes.

Corporation Phasotron-NIIR designs radars for airplanes, helicopters, air defense systems, weather radars, and commercial products. Basic portion of the company’s backlog is oriented at aviation. However, according to Yury Guskov, this area has become “full of competitors”, and today the company develops radars for the Navy’s needs. In particular, Phasotron-NIIR applies active phased array radar technology for naval helicopters Ka-27 and Ka-28, as well as deck-based fighters MiG-29K/KUB.

Source: rusnavy, August 24, 2011;