Russia: JSC Tactical Missile Arms Presents New Target Seeker

Equipment & technology


JSC Tactical Missile Arms for the first time presented a new development at the MAKS-2011 International Aviation and Space Salon closed in the last week. The know-how is active/passive target seeker for the company’s most popular product – versatile antiship missile Kh-35UE (3M-24UE) of Uran-E/ME missile system.

Previous active radar homer ARGS-35E currently used for missile Kh-35E and its naval variant 3M-24E is serially produced by scientific and production enterprise Radar-MMS (St. Petersburg) and provides homing of antiship missiles on typical targets.

In order to improve competitiveness, acquire independence (JSC Radar-MMS is not affiliate company of JSC Tactical Missile Arms), and reduce risks of irregular exports of modernized system Uran-E, several years ago JSC Detal Design Bureau (member of JSC Tactical Missile Arms since 2002) which is specialized in radar altimeters for aircraft and spacecraft started to develop target seeker for modernized missile Kh-35U with possible adaptation for other ‘air-to-ship(land)’ and ‘ship-to-ship(land)’ class missiles.

Development of target seeker with new capabilities significantly increases combat effectiveness of Uran-E antiship missile system which has pretty good export prospects. Target detection range and target selection algorithm have been improved. Passive channel in the new target seeker increases the system’s concealment, improves logic of equipment operation under massive jamming, reduces weight and dimensions parameters.

Foreign “owners” of Uran-E system can replace target seeker ARGS-35E with new Gran-KE to increase combat effectiveness and prolong service life of missiles currently in service.

Early in summer, the new target seeker excellently passed inter-agency tests. Preparation for batch production has been already started. When the full cycle of trials is finished, Gran-KE target seeker will be offered to all operators of Uran-E antiship missile system, both foreign ones (India, Vietnam, Algeria, etc) and Russian Navy.

Source: rusnavy, August 26, 2011;