USA: Ray Mabus Outlines New Program to Support Energy Initiatives



Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus outlined a new dedicated energy Masters degree program during a recent speech to students at the Naval Postgraduate School on Aug. 29.

The announcement targets both current and future leadership of the Navy and Marine Corps, and is another example of Mabus’ ongoing commitment to improved energy security for the department.

“Energy is not just an issue for the future, or just the young officers and policy experts that make up NPS’s student population. It is an issue for all levels of the Navy and Marine Corps, uniform and civilian,” said Mabus in his remarks to students and faculty members.

Starting this fall, NPS will offer a dedicated energy graduate degree program, becoming the first military education institution to do so. Beginning early next year, NPS will launch the SECNAV Executive Energy Series, two-week programs attended by senior civilians and designed to tackle specific energy challenges.

Mabus believes establishing educational programs in line with the energy security mission will further embed and institutionalize energy into the fabric of the Navy and Marine Corps.

“Through the the masters program and the executive energy series, NPS will ensure that energy is fully integrated,” said Mabus. “As a result, NPS students will guide the Navy and the nation toward a better, more secure energy future.”

Mabus laid out five aggressive energy goals in October 2009 to improve the Navy’s energy security and efficiency, increase the Navy’s energy independence, and help lead the nation toward a clean energy economy. This initiative assists in achieving the energy goal of increasing alternative energy afloat and ashore where by 2020, 50 percent of the total Department of the Navy energy consumption will come from alternative sources.

Source: navy, August 31,2011;