Russia to Abolish Navy Main HQ on December 1



Russian Navy Main HQ will be abolished on Dec 1, 2011, told a source in Baltic Fleet HQ to Central Navy Portal.

Navy Main HQ will be abolished and transformed into a department in the defense ministry’s structure since Dec 1, 2011, said the source.

The information that main headquarters of all branches would be abolished and four military districts would be transformed into four strategic commands was reported by some media agencies as early as several years ago. However, up to the present moment those rumors have not been proved out as well as a rumor about possible elimination of the post of Navy Commander-in-Chief.

Nonetheless, the source of Central Navy Portal told that ouster of over 160 generals and colonels early in Sept 2011 was attributed to coming abolition of main headquarters.

In particular, the source said there were officers of Navy Main HQ and subordinate units among those who filed resignation. As for the source, dismissal of servicemen was caused by unwillingness to move from Moscow because of coming rotation, and concerns over possible lose of apartments in Moscow.

Source: rusnavy, September 9, 2011;