USA: NAVFAC Awards USD 14.6 Million Portsmouth Shipyard Repairs Contract



The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic Northeast Integrated Product Team awarded a $14.6 million contract Aug. 31 to Triton/Seaward of Bremerton, Wash., for repairs to Dry Dock #1 at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine.

According to Ian Bodwell, project manager at NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic, this project will rehabilitate the dock sill, caisson seat, floor, and walls of Dry Dock #1, which was constructed between 1941 and 1943. It will also replace access stairs and gallery platforms, mechanical utilities and electrical services to the dock, as well as replace the pump well heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system.

“Dry Dock #1 is one of three dry docks at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The capability to perform current and future missions efficiently and with maximum flexibility depends on these critical dry docks. The repairs to Dry Dock #1 will ensure that the shipyard’s vital mission of maintaining, repairing and modernizing the Navy’s submarine fleet will continue well into the future,” said Capt. Bryan Fuller, shipyard commander.

According to Bodwell, there have been repairs to the concrete surfaces since the dry dock was originally built, but they are reaching the end of their useful life.

“The designers of this new project did extensive sampling and modeling to design a project with a 50-year service life,” he said.

He added that more than 32,000 square feet of wall area and more than 40,000 square feet of floor area will be repaired through this contract.

“The biggest challenge we will have is coordinating this job in the middle of the shipyard’s busy industrial area,” he added. “Proper coordination and phasing of the project will be key.”

The project is scheduled to start next week and run through spring 2013.

Source: navy, September 9, 2011;