Royal Australian Navy to Exercise Freedom of Entry into City of Melbourne

Training & Education


The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) will exercise its right to enter the City of Melbourne as an armed unit, to mark the centenary of the RAN and the 90th anniversary of HMAS Cerberus.

A short march from St Kilda Road (outside the Victorian Arts Centre) to the Melbourne Town Hall will include a historical challenge by the Victoria Police and a march-past where the procession shall salute the Lord Mayor and the Chief of Navy.

The RAN contingent, in excess of 1,300 Royal Australian Navy personnel, will participate in the parade, with the majority currently serving at HMAS Cerberus located on the Mornington Peninsula.

The parade, led by the Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Steve Gilmore, AM CSC RAN, will be in full ceremonial uniform with swords drawn, band playing, and the Queens Colours flying.

The Parade will also mark the important contribution that Melbourne and the State of Victoria continue to provide to the Royal Australian Navy.

Source: navy, September 16, 2011;