Russia: NF Aircraft-Carrying Cruiser Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov Takes Sea



Northern Fleet (NF) aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov headed by Capt 1 rank Sergei Artamonov heads for NF test range in the Barents Sea.

Having passed the whole cycle of basic training, the carrier’s crew will conduct damage control drills. Commanding staff will practice control of subordinate forces and train jointly with pilots of NF ship-based fighter regiment who are going to carry out takeoff and landing drills on the deck by Su-25UTG and Su-33 fighters.

The plan also includes a number of drills in control of ship-based fighter aircrafts taken off from ground airfields.

Source: rusnavy, October 14, 2011