North Korea’s Admiral Visits Pacific Fleet

Training & Education


Visiting Pacific Fleet (PF), DPRK Navy’s East Sea Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Kim Min-Sik on Oct 21 boarded large ASW ship Marshal Shaposhnikov. In accordance with tradition, the high-ranking guest was met by honor guard on the pier.

Representatives of PF command accompanying the North Korean admiral acquainted him with the ship’s armament, history and traditions.

Later on that day, the East Sea Fleet commander also visited diesel submarine Krasnokamensk to familiarize with the sub’s construction and crew living conditions.

Also, Rear Admiral Kim Min-Sik visited PF 155th Marine Brigade. He had an excursion around the camp and viewed weapons and combat assets of Russian marines.

Visit of the North Korean admiral will last till Oct 27, 2011. Except for the PF main naval base, the guests will visit Kamchatka to meet with Northeast Grouping command, attend historical museum and social infrastructure of Viliuchinsk naval base.

Source: rusnavy, October 25, 2011;