Russia: BF Celebrates Mariners’ Day with Good Training Results

Training & Education


On Oct 30 Russia celebrates the Fleet Foundation Day. On this day in 1696, the Council of Boyars issued the decree to start construction of seagoing ships. In accordance with Russian Navy Commander’s order, this date is celebrated as Mariners’ Day.

Traditionally, naval parades and color ceremonies will be held on all Baltic Fleet (BF) ships, as well as solemn meetings and honoring of best servicemen.

Baltic Fleet mariners celebrate their occupational holiday with good achievements in combat training. In the summer training period, BF warships have performed about 400 drills including missile and gun firings, mine laying, deep-sea bomb releasing, and mine countermeasures drills. BF surface ships have spent over 300 days at sea. Strike, minesweeping, and landing task forces have been effectively trained as well.

Source: rusnavy, October 31, 2011;