Russia: Pacific Fleet Conducts Submarine Rescue Exercise

Training & Education


Pacific Fleet (PF) rescue service and diesel submarine division held a submarine salvage exercise under command of PF Acting Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Sergei Rekish in the Maly Uliss Bay.

Crewmembers of a “damaged” submarine were supposed to escape the sub through torpedo tubes and reach life saving assets. Divers of PF rescue service and operators of Obzor-150 robotic submersible controlled the submarine escape process.

Rescuers helped submariners dressed in special wet suits to reach surface and brought them to rescue vessels. There was medical staff on board able to render first aid, and a special decompression chamber.

At the second stage of the exercise, submariners practiced evacuation through escape hatchway. They left the sub at stern part, got into life-saving rafts and fast-speed boats, and were delivered to rescue ship.

The crew of PF diesel submarine headed by Capt 2 rank Yury Konkin, servicemen of PF Rescue Service led by Capt 1 rank Pavel Bozhok, and 7 rescue vessels were involved in the life-saving drills.

Summarizing results of the exercise, Rear Admiral Sergei Rekish underlined that the main objective was to check ability of submarine crews to leave damaged sub and practice interaction between “suffered” submariners and the fleet’s rescue service. The exercise will be analyzed in details in the nearest time, concluded the admiral. Roughly, all activities were conducted normally.

Source: rusnavy, November 01, 2011