UAE: Counter Piracy Naval Forces Get Lloyd’s List “Newsmaker of the Year” Award


Counter Piracy Naval Forces Get Lloyd’s List Newsmaker of the Year  Award

Last Wednesday, counter-piracy naval forces were presented the 2011 “Newsmaker of the Year Award” by Mohammed Al Muallem, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, DP World, UAE Region.

The ceremony was organised by Lloyd’s List and took place in the Baniyas Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Dubai. The European Union was represented by Commander Stephen Draper Royal Navy from EU NAVFOR Operation ATALANTA to receive this distinction together with representatives from Combined Maritime Forces (Captain Tony Aldred Royal Australian Navy) and NATO (Lieutenant Commander Mark Reed Royal Navy).

This award was presented by the Editor of Lloyd’s List, Richard Meade, to the three major counter-piracy naval forces for having influenced a key aspect of the news agenda with their outstanding efforts to combat the threat piracy off the coast of Somalia. On receiving the Award, on behalf of the maritime forces, Captain Tony Aldred, highlighted the tremendous cooperation and dedication from the maritime industry and navies working together to combat piracy by commenting – “Piracy is a global threat that demands a global response. The highly cooperative approach by all counter-piracy forces along with the maritime community’s commitment to the Best Management Practices Version 4 have undoubtedly been key factors in saving many ships and crews from being pirated.  We are proud to be part of the solution towards ultimately defeating the scourge of piracy.”

EU NAVFOR conducts counter-piracy in the Indian Ocean and is responsible for the protection of World Food Program ships carrying humanitarian aid for the people of Somalia and the logistic support vessels of the African Union troops conducting Peace Support Operations in Somalia. Additionally, EU NAVFOR monitors fishing activity off the coast of Somalia.

Naval Today Staff , November 22, 2011; Image: eunavfor

Last Wednesday, counter-piracy naval forces were presented the 2011 “Newsmaker of the Year Award” by Mohammed Al Muallem, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, DP World, UAE Region.

The ceremony was organised by Lloyd’s List and took place in the Baniyas Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Dubai. The European Union was represented by Commander Stephen Draper Royal Navy from EU NAVFOR Operation ATALANTA to receive this distinction together with representatives from Combined Maritime Forces (Captain Tony Aldred Royal Australian Navy) and NATO (Lieutenant Commander Mark Reed Royal Navy).

This award was presented by the Editor of Lloyd’s List, Richard Meade, to the three major counter-piracy naval forces for having influenced a key aspect of the news agenda with their outstanding efforts to combat the threat piracy off the coast of Somalia. On receiving the Award, on behalf of the maritime forces, Captain Tony Aldred, highlighted the tremendous cooperation and dedication from the maritime industry and navies working together to combat piracy by commenting – “Piracy is a global threat that demands a global response. The highly cooperative approach by all counter-piracy forces along with the maritime community’s commitment to the Best Management Practices Version 4 have undoubtedly been key factors in saving many ships and crews from being pirated.  We are proud to be part of the solution towards ultimately defeating the scourge of piracy.”

EU NAVFOR conducts counter-piracy in the Indian Ocean and is responsible for the protection of World Food Program ships carrying humanitarian aid for the people of Somalia and the logistic support vessels of the African Union troops conducting Peace Support Operations in Somalia. Additionally, EU NAVFOR monitors fishing activity off the coast of Somalia.