Members from MCAST Command Complete Visit to Monrovia, Liberia

Training & Education

Members from Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training (MCAST) Command, assigned to the staff of U.S. Naval Forces Africa, completed a visit to Monrovia, Liberia, to discuss future Africa Partnership Station (APS), projects Dec 6.

Lt. Catherine Reppert, Maritime Civil Affairs team leader, said the visit offered her team an opportunity to develop relationships between the U.S. and Liberian forces and to support the development of strong ties between the armed services and their surrounding communities.

“By working with our African partners on medical and humanitarian civic action projects we not only contribute to communities in need, but also expand our relationships with our military partners,” said Reppert.

While in Liberia, team members upgraded automated identification system (AIS) equipment and trained the Liberian Coast Guard to utilize the system in order to help Liberia expand their maritime domain awareness capabilities.

Electronics Technician 1st Class Joseph Debarberie, leading petty officer and communicator assigned to Maritime Civil Affairs Team 202, expressed strong enthusiasm at being able to work with the Liberian Coast Guard and to upgrade the ground-based automated identification system to help Liberia maintain a clear picture of maritime traffic.

“This is an important technology that will contribute to maritime safety in and around Monrovia harbor,” said Debarberie.

APS is an international initiative that aims to improve maritime safety and security in Africa and has experienced steady growth in African as well as European and South American involvement since its inception in 2007. By working together, APS participant countries will continue to train to properly face maritime issues challenging African nations.

Naval Today Staff , December 08, 2011