RFA Fort Rosalie Hosts Children from Red Bay Grand Cayman

Training & Education

RFA Fort Rosalie Hosts Children from Red Bay Grand Cayman

During her visit to Grand Cayman RFA Fort Rosalie hosted 30 children from the First Baptist Christian School from Red Bay Grand Cayman. Leaving the harbour on a tug and climbing the accommodation ladder was an experience in itself for some children and one kissed Fort Rosalie’s deck in celebration of arriving on something steadier than the transit tug boat.

They were met by the Executive Officer Martin Sayer and the Officer of the Day who escorted them around the ship. PO(Q) Martin Ball demonstrating some of the fire fighting equipment and the children used a fire extinguisher. STON Steve Brown talking about the ship’s stores and holds while1/O Susan Cloggie-Holden and the cadets guided them around the bridge, which for most was the highlight of the tour as they were able to see their beautiful island through the bridge binoculars and sit in the captain’s chair. The tour ended in the crew mess for ice lollies, cake and squash, and they really liked the cake!

Meanwhile the Fort Rosalie football team played against a team from the local prison who beat Fort Rosalie by 5 goals to nil. Cadet James Piggot who had captained the Fort Rosalie team said that it was a close game where either side could have won.

RFA Fort Rosalie is currently in the Caribbean supporting UK Overseas Territories, providing the UK Government’s presence in the region and strengthening bonds with our allies as well as acting as a deterrent to drug smugglers. RFA Fort Rosalie was ideally suited to demonstrate the RFA’s military, logistical and specialist skills having recently returned from operations off the coast of Libya.

Naval Today Staff , February 14, 2012; Image: royalnavy