Royal Australian Navy Tests Itself in West

Training & Education

Royal Australian Navy Tests Itself in West

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) is on track to prove its mission readiness this month as its Fleet embarks on the second week of an intensive three week training exercise being conducted off the coast of Western Australia.

HMA Ships Ballarat, Newcastle, Perth, Sirius, Warramunga and Collins are taking part in Exercise Triton Storm 2 – the Navy’s second major warfare exercise of the year, and the first to be conducted in the West Australian Exercise Area (WAXA).

Her Majesty’s New Zealand Ships (HMNZS) Endeavour and Te Kaha have joined the Australian Fleet for the exercise which will test its in-company war fighting skills in realistic Anti-Air Warfare, Anti-Submarine Warfare, and Naval Gunfire Support serials.

Triton Storm 2 will allow participating units to test and train competencies including navigation, damage control, seamanship, warfare, gunnery, replenishment at sea, and in-company manoeuvring.

The inclusion of two oil replenishment ships (Sirius and Endeavour) will allow the Fleet to practice refuelling and resupplying four warships at once, while underway at sea.

The Royal Australian Navy’s Commander of Training (COMTRAIN) Commodore Daryl Bates said major exercises such as Triton Storm 2 were vital to the Royal Australian Navy.

“In-company training is absolutely vital for maintaining combat readiness and safe practice throughout the Fleet.”

“The opportunity to conduct this training with our allies, New Zealand, is invaluable, and the skills we train this month will hold us in good stead for future operations with our allies around the world,” said Commodore Bates.

Exercise Triton Storm 2 will conclude at the end of March.

Naval Today Staff , March 21, 2012; Image: navy