Russia: Severnaya Verf Shipyard Presents Corvette Boiky to BF

Training & Education

Severnaya Verf Shipyard Presents Corvette Boiky to BF

Third Project 20380 corvette Boiky was presented to Baltic Fleet (BF) commission on March 16; the military checked whether the ship was ready for crew accommodation.

Corvette Boiky is being built by Severnaya Verf shipyard under the Russian Defense Ministry’s order.

By now, all life-support systems of the corvette were presented to the customer. Actually, any ship is ready for crew accommodation when all damage control and life support systems are tested. Now the shipyard and Russian Navy begin to interact preparing the ship for commissioning into Baltic Fleet. Ventilation and conditioning systems, crew quarters, cookroom, and medical room have passed inspection in accordance with the schedule. The ship’s tanks are ready to take fresh water. Test cooking will be held at the cookroom. The crew settlement process has begun.

As was stipulated, the Order 1003 will be delivered to the Customer in 2012.

Previous ship of the project – corvette Soobrazitelny – was put into service in Oct 2011.

This fact is another evidence of well-mastered batch shipbuilding process at Severnaya Verf.

Naval Today Staff , March 22, 2012; Image: rusarmy