Sailors Assigned to USS Simpson Complete SRFB Course

Training & Education


Sailors assigned to guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56) completed a weeklong Surface Reactionary Force Bravo (SRFB) course, March 18.

The SRFB course is a mandatory anti-terrorism awareness course for crewmembers who stand quarterdeck, topside and roving watches.

“My hope is that they take away a better understanding of both themselves and the tactics we’ve taught them, in the event they encounter a real-life situation that requires them to use this training,” said Fire Controlman 1st Class Steve Lesinski.

“A real assailant isn’t going to be nice about it, so we have to make it as real as possible so they know how to react.”

On the final day of the SFRB course, each of the 12 participants received their first encounter with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) pepper spray.

“The initial shock of getting sprayed with OC is the worst part of the final course,” said Senior Chief Sonar Technician (Surface) Victor Meza, an SRFB training supervisor. “At that particular moment, they’re not thinking about the tactics they’ve learned and must now apply in those three minutes, because their entire face is burning from being sprayed.”
After being sprayed on the forehead with OC spray, each participant completed five different stations of hand-to-hand and weapons-based combat during a three-minute time span.

“Every participant did well out here, considering the foremost thought on their mind was the OC spray burning their face,” said Fire Controlman 1st Class Steve Lesinski. “Staying motivated was essential for the participants of the SRFB course, as they had roughly half a minute to complete each of the five stations to the instructor’s satisfaction.”

Simpson, homeported out of Mayport, Fla., is currently conducting maritime security operations in the Naval Forces Africa area of responsibility.

Training is essential to ensuring the professional growth of Sailors and is an important element of the readiness area of the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative which consolidates a set of objectives and policies, new and existing, to maximize Sailor and Marine personal readiness, build resiliency and hone the most combat-effective force in the history of the Department.

Naval Today Staff , March 23, 2012;