ESPS Infanta Elena Helps Somali Fishermen

Training & Education

ESPS Infanta Elena Helps Somali Fishermen

On Thursday 29th March Spanish warship ESPS INFANTA ELENA, operating as part of the European counter piracy force (EUNAVFOR), came to the aid of a Somali fishing vessel, adrift off the coast of Mogadishu.

INFANTA ELENA was patrolling the waters off the coast of Somalia as part of its mission to deter piracy and protect vulnerable shipping when the crew noticed a Somali whaler adrift. After obtaining permission to send a team aboard the vessel the EU forces ascertained that the fisherman had suffered an engine failure and some of the crew were in need to medical assistance.

Engineers from the EUNAVFOR ship were able to quickly fix the mechanical problem with the engine, allowing the ship to sail back to shore. Whilst repairs were underway the ships doctors also provided medical assistance to two injured Somali’s and gave the whaler’s crew food and water.

This encounter once again shows the utility and versatility of the EUNAVFOR mission which not only counters piracy but is committed to assisting the Somali people and promoting the growth of law abiding activities in Somali waters.

Naval Today Staff , April 02, 2012; Image: navy