Russia: Severnaya Verf Shipyard to Launch Corvette Stoiky in May


Severnaya Verf Shipyard to Launch Corvette Stoiky in May

Corvette Stoiky will leave covered slipway of Severnaya Verf shipyard early in May. Afterwards, the ship will be docked for assembling of bulb fairwater. Launching of Stoiky is scheduled on May 21. Through the next half year, the corvette will be completed afloat; mooring trials will start in Jan 2013, and then the shipyard’s sea and state trials will be held. Upon termination of all tests, Stoiky will be delivered to defense ministry in Nov 2013.

Mooring trials of Project 22350 lead frigate Admiral Gorshkov will start in May; presently, the ship is being prepared for connection of coastal power supply to onboard central switchboard. The ship will be handed over to the customer at the stated time, i.e. in Nov 2013. One year later, in Nov 2014 defense ministry will receive the first serial frigate of the project – Admiral Kasatonov.

In Nov 2013, Severnaya Verf will hand over another vessel to the Navy – Project 18280 special-purpose ship Yury Ivanov developed by Iceberg Design Bureau. Launching of the ship is scheduled early in Aug 2012.

Second serial Project 22380 corvette Boiky presently outfitted at the shipyard’s quay was presented in mid-March to Baltic Fleet commission and qualified for taking the crew on board. Mooring trials started on Boiky on Apr 2. In July, the ship will take the sea to conduct shipyard’s and state trials. In accordance with approved construction schedule, the ensign-hoisting ceremony will be held in the coming November.

Severnaya Verf builds all ships in accordance with construction schedules agreed with defense ministry. As of today, Severnaya Verf is the only company reviving batch production of surface warships. This assertion is proved by the fact that Russian Navy’s commanding staff in Feb 2012 convened at the shipyard in order to familiarize with batch production process. “This indicates highest confidence of Russian Government, Defense Ministry, and the Navy command. Qualification of Severnaya Verf for resuming of mass production of 1-st and 2-nd rank warships is a result of longstanding joint work of defense ministry’s experts, representatives of the Navy command, and our shipwrights”, emphasized Andrei Fomichev, Director General of JSC Severnaya Verf.

Due to such strenuous production program, the yard is preparing to shut down non-core business. Within the next two years all quays currently leased out will be used for intended purpose, i.e. for outfitting of ships.

By decision of Russian Government, JSC Severnaya Verf is the only supplier of Project 20380/20385 corvettes (2-nd rank surface combatants) and Project 22350 frigates for Russian Navy.

In accordance with tied contracts, Severnaya Verf must build and deliver six Project 22350 frigates and 6 Project 20380/20385 corvettes to Russian Navy till 2020.

Naval Today Staff , April 04, 2012; Image: taringa