USA: Naval Supply Systems Command Gets Operational Fueling Update

Training & Education


More than 100 Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) employees around the world gathered via video teleconference April 10, to learn how good nutrition fuels our Navy.

No matter what your fitness goals are, good nutrition can help improve your exercise performance, decrease your recovery time from strenuous exercise, prevent injuries due to fatigue, and provide the fuel required during times of high-intensity training and weight control,” said NAVSUP Nutrition Program Manager and Registered Dietician Jennifer Person-Whippo during her interactive presentation about the Navy Operational Fitness and Fueling Series (NOFFS).

“The fueling aspect of this program provides Sailors with the tools required to make healthy nutrition choices in both shore-based and operational environments,” said Person-Whippo. “Combining good nutrition with exercise also can help reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis and some cancers.”

Person-Whippo encouraged attendees to pay attention to ingredient labels, and try to eat foods that don’t require labeling or packaging in the first place. She said an apple is an apple, easy for your eye to recognize and your body to use. Foods that have been processed and preserved, packaged and promoted, might be less useful to your body than they first appear, even if “healthy” appears somewhere on the label.

If you don’t know what the ingredients are, you probably shouldn’t be eating them,” she said.

Person-Whippo said by emphasizing nutrient-dense foods and simple, traditional beverages like water and milk, Sailors can get the most out of their food without requiring their bodies to process things they have a hard time recognizing as food. As another benefit, those foods tend to be less expensive than highly processed convenience and fast foods.

The NOFFS program is designed to provide the Navy with a world-class performance training resource for Sailors, as well as Navy health and fitness professionals.

Person-Whippo led the nutritional baseline needs assessment during the development of NOFFS. The NAVSUP Nutrition Program is instrumental in delivering the Operational Fueling Series throughout the fleet.

NAVSUP’s primary mission is to provide U.S. naval forces with quality supplies and services. With headquarters in Mechanicsburg, Pa., and employing a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 22,500 military and civilian personnel, NAVSUP oversees logistics programs in the areas of supply operations, conventional ordnance, contracting, resale, fuel, transportation, and security assistance. In addition, NAVSUP is responsible for quality of life issues for our naval forces, including food service, postal services, Navy Exchanges, and movement of household goods.

Naval Today Staff , April 13, 2012;