HNLMS VAN AMSTEL Performs RAS with RFA Fort Victoria

Training & Education

HNLMS VAN AMSTEL Performs RAS with RFA Fort Victoria

The manoeuvres were conducted smoothly demonstrating a high degree of interoperability between EU NAFVOR Units and Coalition Task Force 151. Within one hour the RAS was completed, during which F76 and F44 was loaded and the formation also completed a “corpen november”. A corpen november is a manoeuvre during which both ships make a turn whilst being connected.

Performing the RAS implies maximum gain to the EU NAVFOR mission since the units increase their operational endurance without having to leave the area with vulnerable shipping.

Coordination is not only important in counter-piracy operations but also in the logistics needed by ships operating in one of the international forces or deployed independently to fight piracy.

Naval Today Staff , April 19, 2012; Image: eunavfor