US Navy Expands Opportunities for Non-Rated Sailors

Training & Education

US Navy Expands Opportunities for Non-Rated Sailors

Navy has expanded rating designation opportunities for Professional Apprentice Career Track (PACT) Sailors, the non-designated workforce in the fleet, officials said April 20.

“Currently the Navy has a healthy complement of PACT Sailors supporting the Fleet – more than 7,800 – and we plan to bring in about 4,700 more PACT Sailors this fiscal year alone,” said CDR Renee Squier, deputy director of Navy Enlisted Force Plans & Policy. “This will mean increased opportunities and a shorter timeline for PACT Sailors to strike into ratings – currently, we’re aiming to designate nearly 4,000 PACT Sailors in the next 9 months.”

According to Capt. Hank Roux, head enlisted community manager, Bureau of Naval Personnel, PACT Sailors and their commands should be taking a proactive approach in researching Sailors’ options for designation.

“Career counselors and career development teams should use the Rating Entry for General Apprentices (REGA) module in the Fleet Ride career tool to determine which ratings their PACT Sailors qualify,” said Roux.

There are several methods commands may use to get PACT Sailors designated in REGA: direct rating entry designation, Navy Wide Advancement Exams requests and A-school requests.

Direct rating entry designation is the method with the most immediate impact on rated apprentice manning,” said Roux. “When direct designation is approved in REGA, the Sailor’s permanent record and command manning documents are automatically updated to reflect the rated status.”

Many rating entry designation quotas are available and do not require an A-school.

Minimum requirements for commands to direct designate a PACT Sailor are:

– Meets qualification standards for desired rate.
– Minimum 12 months onboard permanent duty station
– Direct Designation Quota available as published in Fleet Ride

Working with their chain of command, PACT Sailors can learn more about rating opportunities in REGA. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score is a key indicator in determining which rate a Sailor qualifies. Academic skills development and Armed Forces Classification Testing (AFCT) should be encouraged and scheduled well in advance to enable PACT Sailors to maximize their career options.

“Leaders need to ensure these Sailors are on track to get designated in a rating four to six months prior to their two-year anniversary on board,” said Roux. “The program is focused on the two-way commitment between the Sailor and Navy.”

The PACT program consists of three apprentice tracks; aviation, engineering and surface. PACT Sailors enlist for an initial four year active service obligation, receive initial apprenticeship training for their track and fill apprentice level billets in the fleet.

Upon arrival at their first permanent duty station, commands conduct rating eligibility screening and develop a career progression plan during the PACT Sailor’s career development board to identify on the job training that leads to a viable career field within two years on board.

Navaltoday Staff, April 23, 2012; Image: navy