Turkey: ANADOLU Shipyard, SELEX Galileo Sign MoU


ANADOLU Shipyard, SELEX Galileo Sign MoU

ANADOLU Shipyard proceeds with his intense work in the context of the LST (Landing Craft Tank) Contract that was signed with SSM (Turkish Undersecretariat of Defense Industries) on June 16th 2011.

One of the last works realized by ANADOLU Shipyard under the LST contract was to reach a MoU with Italian company SELEX Galileo on the sourcing of the IRST (Infra Red Search & Track) System.

Delegations of both companies composed of Chairman M.Faruk Ürkmez, CEO Ertuğ Yaşar and Electronic System Director Deniz Celbiş on the ANADOLU Shipyard side and of Mauro Gori, Marco Buratti and Roberto Bursi on SELEX Galileo side, conducted discussions and negotiations during May 8th and 9th 2012 in İstanbul.

At the end of the consultation both parties agreed to cooperate in the sourcing of IRST System for LST project and an MoU has been signed. A further agreement is expected to be signed in the following weeks.

Naval Today Staff , May 10, 2012; Image: adik