USA: NSE Hosts 14th Annual Health Fair

Training & Education


Service members, their families, and DoD personnel attended the 14th Annual Health Fair in the Commons and Jackson Plaza at Naval Station Everett (NSE), May 10.

More than 300 people attended this year’s health fair events. This year’s fair events included a healthy appetizer command challenge, children from the child development center playing with Workout of the Day (WOD) toys, and a Navy Region Northwest’s (NRNW) fire and emergency services (Engine 29) “Jaws of Life” demonstration.

Michelle Galasso, fitness manager of Naval Station Everett, planned this year’s event and explained what there was to offer at this year’s health fair.

“We offer everything from wellness information to outdoor fun, food sampling, safety information and interactive displays such as the “Jaws of Life” demonstration.” Galasso also described the importance of having an annual health fair for military personnel and their families. “Health fairs bring people together to find wellness activities in the area, try out different things that vendors have to offer, and
help vendors network,” said Galasso. “This is great for military personnel who may be new to the area and looking for services.”

The NRNW fire department taught participants how to perform a fire-sweep and performed the “Jaws of Life” demonstration. Within the “Jaws of Life” demonstration, the violence of air bags deployment and how the fire team uses tools to open the car to remove patients in an auto accident.

Timothy Nold, fire prevention captain with NRNW Fire and Emergency Services at NSE, described why the fire department presents this demonstration annually with the bases health fair events.

“We do this demo to show the people what happens when the air bags go off in the vehicle and what happens when the fire departments arrives here,” said Nold.

Gas Turbines System Electrician 2nd Class (SW) William Sims, member of Intermediate Maintenance Facility of NSE, explained why the demonstration was his favorite part of the health fair events.

“It was interesting to see them cut up the car, getting to see the air bags deploy, and knowing the process that the fire team goes through to help patients in an accident,” said Sims.

Vendors at this year’s health fair event included Naval Branch Health Clinic, Naval Branch Medical Clinic, Navy Exchange, Everett Aqua Sox, Trident Security, Navy Federal Credit Union, and the base fire prevention team. The health fair has been held at NSE since 1996.

Naval Today Staff, May 14, 2012