UK: HMS Tyne Leads Rescue Operation of a Fisherman

Training & Education

HMS Tyne Leads Rescue Operation of a Fisherman

Sailors from Tyne were carrying out a routine inspection of the FV Farpesca, a French stern trawler, in the Channel as part of their fishery protection patrol when the skipper asked for help with one of his deck hands who’d suffered a suspected broken arm.

The Portsmouth-based patrol ship sent her first-aider across to assess the 52-year-old Spanish sailor – and quickly determined that he needed hospital treatment.

The Farpesca was instructed to make best speed for the UK mainland in company with Tyne while a Sea King from Culdrose was scrambled.

Luckily, all three Royal Navy personnel aboard the trawler were trained in helicopter operations and were able to assist the master in readying his vessel for the helicopter’s arrival.

A winchman was lowered on to the deck, a handover conducted with the first aider and the casualty was placed in a stretcher and quickly winched back into the helicopter for a short flight to the nearest suitable hospital.

The whole rescue only took three hours and Tyne was back on patrol in the early afternoon continuing boarding operations to ensure fishermen are abiding by rules and regulations.

Tyne’s Commanding Officer Lt Cdr Dan Thomas, said:

Being on a standing patrol, the ships of our squadron are often well-placed to assist in the case of maritime emergencies, and on this occasion, Tyne was ideally placed and properly prepared to help.

“I am very pleased with the highly professional actions of my crew, and the rapid reaction of the SAR aircraft in rescuing this fisherman. I wish him a speedy recovery.”


Naval Today Staff , May 16, 2012; Image: UK Navy