Coalition Ship KRI Dewaruci of Indonesia Joins Fleet Week New York 2012


Coalition ship KRI Dewaruci of Indonesia held a reception in Staten Island, N.Y., May 25, during Fleet Week New York 2012.

The event was hosted by Consul General of Indonesia in New York Ghafur Dharmaputra, Ambassador of Indonesia to the U.N. Desra Percaya and Commanding Officer of KRI Dewaruci Letkol Laut Haris Bima Bayuseto.

The reception began with a gift exchange between Dharmaputra, Percaya and Bayuseto.

“The consul general and commanding officer exchanged gifts as a symbol to welcome the Dewaruci to New York,” said Col. Anwar Saadi, Indonesian naval attaché to the U.S. “We are here as a part of OpSail and Fleet Week. Our Navy’s relationship with the U.S. Navy has greatly increased, and we took the opportunity to show it tonight.”

After the hosts exchanged gifts, guests were treated to performances of traditional Indonesian Gamelan music and Reog Ponorogo dancing. Naval cadets of the Indonesian Naval Academy serving aboard Dewaruci performed much of the entertainment.

“The naval cadets are part of a study abroad program,” said Saadi. “Coming here to Fleet Week New York and other events around the world gives them experience in the international community.”

Crewmembers and guests alike enjoyed an evening of dancing and entertainment, as well as the opportunity to enhance international relations. Indonesian naval cadet Edy Sutrisno said that coming to New York has been a wonderful experience for him.

“This is my first time visiting the city, and I enjoy seeing all the sights,” said Sutrisno. “Chinatown was especially fun. The party tonight and Fleet Week have been very good.”

Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Emily Vega, a guest of the reception, agreed.

“This party was wonderful,” said Vega. “It was so great to experience Indonesian culture and hospitality in such a unique setting.”

Dewaruci has been a training ship for the Indonesian Naval Academy since 1953 and is one of 12 coalition ships participating in Fleet Week New York 2012.

Held nearly every year since 1984, Fleet Week New York is the city’s celebration of sea services. Fleet Week New York provides an opportunity for the citizens of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area to meet Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, as well as see, first-hand, the latest capabilities of today’s maritime services. More than 6,000 service men and women from the U.S. and coalition nations are participating.

This year, Fleet Week New York is one of the signature events around the country commemorating OpSail 2012, the bicentennial of the War of 1812, and the Star-Spangled Banner. The Commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 is a salute to all Sailors and Marines who fought gallantly in that conflict, who served in all our nation’s conflicts since then, and who are defending freedom around the world.


Naval Today Staff , May 29, 2012