SNMCMG2 Concludes Successfully ITALIAN MINEX 12

Training & Education

SNMCMG2 Concludes Successfully ITALIAN MINEX 12

From 14 to 28 May 2012 the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) participating in ITALIAN MINEX 12 (ITA-MINEX 12), an annual exercise directed by the Italian Navy MCM Forces Command (COMFORDRAG).

The Exercise involved 14 naval units from Italy and SNMCMG2 as well as bomb-disposal specialists from Italy and France. The NATO Underwater Research Centre (NURC) also participating with autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) capable of carrying out underwater inspections in support of MCM operations.

ITA-MINEX 12 gave SNMCMG2 the opportunity to carry out a port visit in La Spezia, Italy, where local university students were invited aboard the flagship TCG SOKULLU for an introductory briefing and a tour of the other NATO units

SNMCMG2 is maintained at high-readiness and can deploy as required by the Alliance even at strategic distance. It is made up of ships from various Allied nations which train and operate together throughout the year and participate in numerous exercises conducted by the Alliance, as a mine-countermeasure force. The primary task is to defend sea routes from the underwater mine threat. As a secondary task the group collects important data on the marine environment and sea bottom, which contributes to scientific research.

Naval Today Staff, June 1, 2012; Image: Nato