Japanese Lieutenant-Junior Grade Spends Few Days Onboard HMAS Ballarat

Training & Education

Japanese Lieutenant- Junior Grade Spends Few Days Onboard HMAS Ballarat

Daisuke Hayashi never thought he would get the chance to visit Australia without actually leaving the territorial waters of Japan. But, today that’s exactly what he did.

The Lieutenant – Junior Grade, who normally works in the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force Destroyer Shimakaze, is spending a few days onboard the Anzac Class Frigate HMAS Ballarat.

Ballarat is off the coast of Japan, conducting the anti-submarine warfare exercise NICHI-GOU TRIDENT with the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF), and Hayashi has crossed-decks into the Australian Warship for a look at how his new friends do business.

The Japanese Officer, who is a trainee Marine Engineer, and Shimakaze’s Damage Control Officer, will spend some of his visit getting familiar with Ballarat’s propulsion system. “He’ll get exposure to our propulsion plant, and our damage control procedures,” Lieutenant Commander Laurie Choate, Ballarat’s Marine Engineering Officer said.

“Cross-decking opportunities like this are a win-win situation, because if we have an understanding of how each other manages damage control incidents, we’re much more likely to be able to support each other if an incident occurs at sea,” LCDR Choate said.

Hayashi said he’s keen to get into the thick of things and experience working life onboard the Australian frigate. “I am very interested in seeing the differences between my own ship and this Australian ship,” he said.

Over the next thee days, Hayashi will get to know his new crewmates, who’ll help him to understand life onboard an Australian warship.

Lieutenant Adam Ross, one of HMAS Ballarat’s Officers of the Watch, has also ‘cross-decked’ for the exercise. He’ll spend the next few days learning how the JMSDF operate onboard Shimakaze.

HMAS Ballarat is closing in on the end of a four month deployment to North East Asia, which has been focused on fostering good Defence relationships in the region. Other port visits have included Singapore, Shanghai, and Busan (South Korea).

The Australian Warship will return home to Sydney at the end of June.

Naval Today Staff, June 5, 2012; Image: Australian Navy