UK: Reservists Receive Medals

Training & Education

Reservists Receive Medals

Three reservists also had their long service to the Queen recognised with the presentation of their Volunteer Reserve Service Medals.

Receiving their Volunteer Reserve Service Medals, which recognise 10 years of continuous service as a Reservist, were Leading Seaman Joanne Browning, Leading Seaman Brian Cartlidge and Leading Seaman Shona Hewton.

In total 35 of HMS Dalriada’s Ship’s Company were awarded their Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals. Two of Dalriada’s Reservists took part on the Jubilee celebrations in London so for them the medals are particularly significant.

Chief Petty Officer Steve Worsfold had the privilege to be one of the Royal Naval Reserve personnel who took part in the Diamond Jubilee celebrations at HMS President, in London.

One of only two RNR personnel from Scotland who took part in the event, CPO Worsfold lined the quarter deck of HMS President to give three cheers to the Queen as the Royal Barge, the Spirit of Chartwell, berthed alongside.

Steve was also selected to be one of the Royal Naval Reserve personnel lining the street outside HMS President as the members of the Royal Family and honoured guests departed following the River Pageant.

CPO Worsfold said

“It was a fantastic opportunity to play a role in such an important and historic day both for the Royal family and for the Royal Naval Reserves, one I will remember for the rest of my life and will certainly telling my grand kids of the day I was 6 foot from the whole Royal Family even though by the end of it I felt like a drowned rat.”

Another Dalriadan, Leading Seaman Jim Coventry, was in the ceremonial guard that saluted Her Majesty the Queen on her arrival at HMS President, the Royal Naval Reserve’s base in London. He spent two weeks in London preparing for the big day, making sure every drill movement was perfect and his uniform was immaculate for the biggest day in his Service career. On the day the weather forced the ceremonial guard indoors, but this did little to diminish the impact.

Naval Today Staff, June 19, 2012; Image: Royal Navy