The Netherlands Extends Its Protection of WFP Transports to Somalia


The Netherlands Extends Its Protection of WFP Transports to Somalia

The deployment of a Dutch military security team for the protection of World Food Programme transports to Somalia will be extended by a maximum of 3 months. That was the upshot of a letter sent to the House of Representatives on behalf of the Government by Minister of Foreign Affairs Rosenthal and Minister of Defence Hillen.

The EU had requested as much, in view of the fact that the successor EU member state for this task has not yet been agreed. Discussions regarding the matter are, however, at an advanced stage. The security team will be deployed as part of Operation Atalanta, the European Union counterpiracy mission.The protection of humanitarian aid transports to Somalia is one of Operation Atalanta’s tasks. The deployment of military personnel on board makes escort of transport ships by navy ships superfluous.

Naval Today Staff , June 28, 2012; Image: Defensie