Royal New Zealand Navy Gets Six New Divers

Training & Education

Royal New Zealand Navy Gets Six New Divers

A Hamilton Boys High School old boy is one of six new Navy Divers who have managed to pass the gruelling 16 week training course required to become an expert diver in the Royal New Zealand Navy.

Ordinary Diver Samuel Dickey joined the Navy to travel the world and test himself both physically and mentally. In just a few short years these aims have already been met as not only did he graduate as a Navy Diver this week, he has also travelled to Singapore, Australia and Malaysia during his career.

During the course Samuel was trained in Mine Counter Measure diving (a skill that allows him to dive to depths of up to 54 meters in the search and location of underwater mines), deploying from helicopters directly in the water to neutralise floating mines, diving physics, underwater engineering and an introduction to Explosive Ordnance Disposal

The stamina required both physically and mentally to achieve these training objectives is truly tested in the Endurance Week, when Samuel spent approximately 30 hours underwater in five days.

All of this has been taken in his stride and he is extremely proud to be part of the largest graduating course in 25 years. “The highlight of my career to date has been passing the Dive Course, although meeting so many new mates that I will keep for life is a very close second.”

Now that the course is over Samuel will be posted to the Operational Dive Team, where he will specialise in either underwater engineering, clearance diving or inshore maritime support. All of this fits in well with his love of the Navy in general.

“I highly recommend people to join the Navy because it’s a good way to meet new people, travel, play sports and just a good way to test yourself and reach your full potential.”


Naval Today Staff , June 29, 2012; Image: RNZN