Zheng He Passes Through the Panama Canal

Training & Education

The “Zheng He” oceangoing training ship of the Navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) which was deployed on the “Harmonious Mission – the ‘Zheng He’ oceangoing training ship’s voyage around the world” passed through the Panama Canal successfully at 02:00 of July 9, 2012, local time, PLA Daily informed.

With this passage, the ship made the second successful passage through man-made canals, the first one being the Suez Canal, through which the ship passed on May 27, 2012.

The “Zheng He” is headed for the South Pacific Ocean, nevertheless before it casts off for its next stop within its world- wide journey, the ship will make a call at the Gulf of Panama for refueling and replenishment.

According to Song Hui, head of the teaching group on the ship and deputy director of the Training Department of the Dalian Naval Academy of the PLA Navy, the passage served as an opportunity for training, in the course of which the midshipmen acted as probationary navigation officers and watch officers in batches and participated in various work activities such as translation, guidance and mooring.

Naval Today Staff, July 10, 2012