China Reaches Major Milestone in Development of ICBMs?

Equipment & technology

China has reached a major milestone in development of inter-continental and Submarine launched missiles, New York Times said citing U.S. military and intelligence officials.

Based on the statements of the said officials, the new generation of missiles is capable of carrying as many as 10 nuclear warheads and has advanced its range.

The Dongfeng-41 ICBM, with an estimated strike distance of 12,000 to 14,000 kilometers is outfitted with mobile launching system, making it harder to find and destroy the missile before it is launched.

Accordingly, the U.S. fears of having underestimated the size of China’s nuclear arsenal, the New York Times added.

On the other hand, as pointed out by a professor of international relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing Sun Zhe:

“We have again and again said that we will not be the first country to use nuclear force. We need to be able to defend ourselves, and our main threat, I’m afraid, comes from the United States.”

The said development is believed to form part of  China’s conducting of sea trials of its first aircraft carrier and flight test of its new stealth J-20 jet.

According to China’s Global Times the claims that the latest Chinese ICBM, the Dongfeng-41, had already been tested last month are false. The only thing confirmed is the fact that China is developing the capability to put multiple warheads on its inter-continental ballistic missiles.


Naval Today Staff , August 27, 2012