Canadian Divers Embark USS Warrior

Training & Education

Canadian divers from Fleet Dive Unit, Atlantic, embarked mine countermeasures ship USS Warrior (MCM 10), for phase two of the International Mine Countermeasures Exercise 2012 (IMCMEX 12), Sept. 20-26.

“Every day of IMCMEX has been different, forcing us to be flexible,” said Canadian Lt.(N) Joel Cornier, mine warfare officer for Fleet Dive Unit, Atlantic. “However, MCM ships are very similar to Canadian ships, which made it easier for us to adjust.”

During IMCMEX the team conducted several dives using solar technology and their specialized training to complete the mission.

“This exercise was exciting with many events going on the entire time, and diving operations was just a small part of the mission,” said Cornier.

“Having divers on board expands the capabilities of Warrior and provides flexibility in the mine countermeasures realm,” said Lt. Cmdr. Scott Nietzel, commanding officer, USS Warrior.

Nietzel recognized the importance of integrating with other navies and expects more mine countermeasures events like this in the future, which will improve bilateral relations.

Many other dive teams have embarked aboard foreign ships during IMCMEX.

Afloat Forward Staging Base (Interim) USS Ponce (AFSB(I) 15) had both Japanese and French dive teams aboard, while a U.S. dive team embarked aboard a British ship for the exercise.

IMCMEX 12 includes navies from more than 30 countries focusing to promote regional security through mine countermeasure operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.

Warrior is assigned to Commander, Task Force (CTF) 52 supporting mine countermeasure operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.

Naval Today Staff, September 27, 2012