US Navy Announces FY12 Flight Hour Verification for Officers


US Navy Announces FY12 Flight Hour Verification for Officers

The Navy announced the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) Flight Hour Verification Process for Conditional Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) and Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP) for flying programs, Oct. 1.

The program enables the Navy to accurately compensate officers for frequent and regular performance of operational flying duty.

This verification is intended to certify that FY12 minimum flight hour requirements were met by all flying recipients eligible for conditional ACIP and HDIP, according to NAVADMIN 293/12.

Conditional ACIP may be paid to eligible aeronautically designated officers in the following categories:

– Aeromedical officers;
– Aviation officers not meeting the required months of flying (MOF) at the 12-year or 18-year
gate and not having a SECNAV-approved waiver;
– Aviation officers in grades O6 and below with more than 25 years of aviation service.

In order to be eligible conditional ACIP, officers must be under orders to duty in a flying status involving operational or training flights (DIFOPS) or reported into a billet designated XXX1 or XXX2, and flying the minimum prescribed hours.

HDIP for flying may be paid to non-aeronautically designated officers and aeronautically designated flag officers meeting criteria in the NAVADMIN.

HDIP for flying eligibility requires a non-aeronautically designated officer to be under orders to duty in a flying status as a technical observer (DIFTECH). HDIP for flying eligibility requires an aeronautically designated flag officer to be under DIFOPS orders.

In order to receive and keep an entitlement, individuals are required to verify their flight hours after the end of the fiscal year. Regardless of their current status, anyone who received Conditional ACIP/HDIP during the fiscal year must submit verification.

Commanding officers are required to track and report flight hours for conditional ACIP and HDIP for flying recipients.

Eligible members must submit their flight hour verification and command endorsement letter to Navy Personnel Command (NPC) by Dec. 31, 2012.

Naval Today Staff,October 2, 2012; Image: US Navy