Bulgaria: Transas Upgrades Training Complex for Naval Academy

Training & Education

Transas Upgrade Training Complex for Naval Academy

Transas-Naval Academy partnership started in 2001 when Transas Marine supplied its Navigational, later Engine Room and GMDSS simulators to the Academy.

In July 2012, Transas Marine has signed a contract with the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy for the extension and upgrade of the Transas Navigational and GMDSS simulators, and a long-term update/upgrade, service, support and maintenance program for the next 3 years.

New versions of NTPRO 5000 and TGS 5000 GMDSS simulators boast of the comprehensive functionality and improvements and are fully compliant with the latest international standards. In addition, visualization of Main and Secondary Navigational Bridges was improved: visualization screen of the Main Bridge was extended to 300 degrees with the 5-meters screen radius, which makes it one of the largest simulators installed in Bulgaria.

Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) simulator was also upgraded to its latest version which allows imitation of the VTS functions and creation of various navigational situations. Before the end of 2012, the Academy also plans to upgrade Engine Room Simulation.

The official opening ceremony of the upgarded training complex took place on September 24, 2012 and was attended by the Academy representatives, Commandant of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Captain (Navy) Boyan Mednikarov, Minister of Defence (Bulgaria) Anyu Angelov, Deputy Chief of Staff Plamen Manushev, Commander of Bulgarian Navy Admiral Rumen Nikolov and Metropolitan Kirill of Varna and Veliki Preslav.

All guests were impressed by high level of Naval Academy training and its educational capabilities.

“We are proud of our cooperation with the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. With this sophisticated Training Complex, the Academy will be able to further improve training quality of seafarers. Transas keeps developing simulation products by continuous investments in R&D and introducing new technologies which allow us to provide Naval Academy with such advanced upgrades. We look forward to fruitful cooperation with Naval Academy in the future”, – comments Andrey Belentiev, Managing Director, Transas (ZAO)

Naval Today Staff,October 03, 2012; Image: Transas