American Admiral Visits HMS Collingwood’s Maritime Warfare School

Training & Education

American Admiral Visits HMS Collingwood's Maritime Warfare School

Senior American officer Rear Admiral Mark Buzby paid a visit to HMS Collingwood’s Maritime Warfare School as part of a UK-wide visit looking into how the Royal Navy’s global operations are supported.

The admiral is head of the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command – its counterpart to the UK’s Royal Fleet Auxiliary – and was keen to see how the two work together.

In his time in the UK, Admiral Buzby called in on HMS Raleigh, where there’s an existing replenishment at sea rig as well as a new one under construction to replicate the newest classes of RN and RFA vessels, HMS Sultan and Navy Command Headquarters.

The Admiral was accompanied by Mr Jack Taylor, who works for the MSFSC, a subordinate of the MSC, the closest entity to the RFA, Command Master Chief Reyes, and his Flag Lieutenant Scott Diamond.

During the visit to Collingwood, the admiral met with RFA weapon engineering students on course and RFA instructors.

He toured the Maritime Composite Training System, which can recreate any operations room in the current fleet, where he was briefed on the training delivered to RFA warfare students.

On Whale Island he witnessed damage control training RFA sailors go through, in particular the DRIU – Damage Repair Instructional Unit – which teaches the art of saving a sinking ship by plugging holes and bolstering bulkheads.

Naval Today Staff,October 15, 2012; Image: Royal Navy