USA: Chief of Naval Operations Visits NOIC Georgia


Chief of Naval Operations Visits NOIC Georgia

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Michael D. Stevens visited Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Georgia on Friday, Nov. 30, to discuss the Navy’s role in military information operations and the way ahead for the near and extended future.

Prior to his remarks Greenert re-enlisted Petty Officer First Class Terry L. Sanders and pinned twelve newly qualified Information Dominance Warfare Specialists and Officers.

While addressing the crew, Greenert stressed the steadily increasing demand for the Navy’s contribution to military information operations. He particularly emphasized the point outlined in his, Oct. 31 position report citing the need to, “accelerate the fielding of systems to make the electromagnetic spectrum and cyberspace a primary warfighting domain.” Noting that the mission of NIOC Georgia was essential to that achievement, Greenert expressed his high regard for the skills and abilities of NIOC Georgia Sailors.

“As CNO, I’ve had the chance to meet many Sailors, and I’ve found that people in your line of work, cyber warriors, are the most confident I’ve come across.

“These information professionals provide and execute the non-kinetic piece of our war fighting capabilities, neutralizing threats and determining vulnerabilities using the EM spectrum. It’s an important area and one I will be tracking more closely in my second year as your CNO.

“I encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing so that the Navy can continue to operate forward and be ready.”

Stevens, who became MCPON in September, followed up the CNO’s remarks by saying that he was honored to have a chance to serve as Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy and also urged NIOC Georgia to continue to focus on and strive to improve its core mission and resources.

Following the all-hands call, he remained behind to personally congratulate and pin an additional thirteen Sailors who had earned their Information Dominance Warfare Specialist qualification.

Greenert and Stevens concluded the visit by touring the newly constructed multi-service facility that is home to NIOC Georgia. Both had the chance to meet and talk with Sailors on the job, observing day-to-day operations at the command.

Appreciative of the visit, Air Operations Officer Lt. Ryan Haag said afterward, “It’s an honor to have them come here, answer our questions, and pin our Sailors. I think it was great for everyone to meet the CNO and MCPON and see that they are real people with real personalities who genuinely care about Sailors.”

NIOC Georgia is a subordinate command of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and comprises Task Force 1050 of the U.S. 10th Fleet. Based at Fort Gordon, its mission is to provide information warfare and expert cryptologic personnel to fleet air, surface, submarine and special warfare combatants and to provide reachback and extended staff support to U.S. Central Command and U.S. European Command Joint Forces Maritime Component Commanders.

NIOC Georgia supports the Global War on Terrorism, operating in a challenging Naval, multi-service, and multi-national environment.

Naval Today Staff, December 4, 2012; Image: US Navy