USS Nimitz Sailor Wins EIDWS Pin

Training & Education

USS Nimitz Sailor Wins EIDWS Pin

Sailors received their warfare pins Jan. 11 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) from Vice Adm. David Buss, commander, Naval Air Forces.

One Sailor in particular, Senior Chief (SW/EIDWS/AW) Intelligence Specialist James Christopher Williams received the Enlisted Information Dominance Warfare Specialist (EIDWS) pin.

Three months ago, Nimitz provided enlisted Sailors of the Information Dominance Corps (IDC) community on board the opportunity to obtain the newest warfare pin in the Navy. While other Sailors have earned the pin at other commands, Williams is the first person to earn the pin while on board Nimitz.

“It took about three months to complete,” said Williams.

The EIDWS personnel qualifications standards (PQS) consist of skills and knowledge relating to the information dominance warfare doctrine, policy, history and warfare-fighting capabilities.

“It’s mandatory for my rating,” said Williams. “Anybody in an information dominance corps rating is required to get it.”

The EIDWS pin can be earned by Sailors within the Information Dominance Corps (IDC) ratings. Which include: Information Systems Technician (IT), Cryptologic Technician (CT), Intelligence Specialists (IS), Aerographer’s Mate (AG) and Sailors who are in direct support of the IDC mission.

With only a few qualified people on Nimitz, there was a list of subject matter experts who helped sign off his packet.

“So you go see those subject matter experts,” said Williams. “They sign your line items and help you learn the things that are important to study. It’s entirely possible to be designated as a subject matter expert, but not have the pin, otherwise you wouldn’t have enough people.”

For the IDC community on board Nimitz, the introduction of the warfare pin is a big step forward.

“The reason we as a community thought it was important is because I was the first one to earn it on the ship, that is significant because that was part of what made our program official,” said Williams. “Navy Cyber Warfare Command had to send somebody here to observe that first board, so the board had very little to do with me, but established our program here on the ship.”

Williams expressed the importance for the IDC community to learn and understand the concepts that come with the pin.

 “Having an understanding of how all information ties together gives a tactical picture to operators,” said Williams. “It’s definitely a benefit.”

Naval Today Staff, January 15, 2013; Image: US Navy