Frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ Pays Visit to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Training & Education

Frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ Pays Visit to Jeddah

The frigate ‘Méndez Núñez’ arrived at Jeddah on April 8th, three days after concluding her deployment in Operation Atalanta.

During the port-call, the F-100 frigate welcomed a Royal Saudi Navy delegation accompanied by the president of Navantia Shipyards and other directors of the company.

The Commanding Officer of the ‘Méndez Núñez’ briefed the Saudi delegation with a presentation of the ship’s capabilities. They later toured the frigate visiting the different areas, systems and equipment of this state-of-the-art warship of the Spanish Navy.

The crew of the ‘Méndez Núñez’ carried out a most comprehensive drill for the Saudi delegation reproducing a scenario with multiple air, surface and submarine threats in the Combat Information Center (CIC).

In the afternoon the ship received the visit of the Spanish Ambassador in Saudi Arabia, Joaquín Pérez Villanueva y Tovar, accompanied by the Chief of the Royal Saudi Navy, Vice-admiral Dakheel Allah Al-Wagdani.

They were both shown around the ship and participated in the reception offered on board for local authorities, members of the Saudi Navy, the president of Navantia and the Spanish community in Jeddah.

Naval Today Staff, April 18, 2013; Image: Spanish Navy