Australia: ESPS Cantabria Crew Prepares for Anzac Day

Training & Education

ESPS Cantabria Crew Prepares for Anzac Day

ESPS Cantabria has deployed to north Australian waters to continue training with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), but before getting to the job at hand they have been afforded a port visit to idyllic Cairns, where Spanish Armada personnel will have the opportunity to march and commemorate Anzac Day alongside their new found RAN compañeros.

During the transit, Australian Navy trainees provided a brief to their Spanish shipmates on the origins and significance of the day to Ship’s Companies. The Armada crew were told of the traditions that would occur on the day such as the Dawn Service, marching, two up games and the Anzac Day football matches.

Most importantly they were told of the ANZAC spirit and mateship in the face of adversity and remembering those that had made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and fellow Australians. It is clear however that the Spanish share the same sentiment, the solidarity and team spirit amongst their crew is evident, as RAN contingents fortunate enough to be onboard can attest.

The Spanish are looking forward to marching with pride on the day and it is an honour for the RAN to share such a momentous occasion with them.

Embarked ABML-C Cody Vaughn whipping up a batch of ANZAC biscuits to hand out to the crew during the Anzac Day brief.

Naval Today Staff, April 24, 2013; Image: Australian Navy