US Navy ERP Assistant Program Manager Named WIT Unsung Hero

Training & Education

US Navy ERP Assistant Program Manager Named WIT Unsung Hero

Women in Technology (WIT) have named Navy Enterprise Resource Planning Program’s (ERP) Acting Assistant Program Manager

Nora Robertson was chosen for the award, which honors leading female professionals who have excelled as mentors, exemplified unique vision and talent in the technology industry as well as embody the WIT mission.

Robertson currently manages sustainment of the Navy ERP system, ensuring the functionality is coordinated and integrated appropriately across the teams while maintaining the integrity of the solution.

Winners in several categories were determined using data of the top, local companies with 25 percent or more female board representation. Judges made the final determination based on that data and reputation of the company.

Robertson was honored for leading the charge for more than 70,000 people to change how they do business. Working with her team and the Navy Systems Commands, Robertson developed and executed the vision of a better way to do business, by moving away from scores of disparate IT systems to one enterprise solution for Navy.

“Nora is truly the hero who led the charge for over 70,000 people, one person at a time,” said Valerie Carpenter, Navy ERP program manager. “Working with her team and the Navy Systems Commands-her customers-she developed and executed the vision of a better way for the Navy to do business…After all, as she quoted RADM Grace Hopper: ‘You manage things but you lead people’ and Nora embodies that philosophy every day.”

“New innovations and developments in technology continue to change our society dramatically,” said Nancy Lamberton, President, WIT. “These women not only embraced these technical advancements in the industry, but also focused on paving the way for the next-generation of female professionals by providing mentorship and a vision for the future. WIT honors these leaders and organizations for their dedication, talent and success in the industry and advocating for women in technology at all levels.”

Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the Navy’s integrated, mission-support, financial system of record managing $62B (50%) of the Navy’s Total Obligation Authority (TOA). With over 72,000 users across 6 major commands Navy ERP provides technology to standardize workforce, financial, supply chain, maintenance and acquisition management. This highly scalable system allows TOA data to be accessible, transparent, credible and integrated; enabling automated, repeatable, sustainable financial reconciliations; in some cases for the first time ever.

Naval Today Staff, April 25, 2013; Image: US Navy