El Camino Español Returns from Lebanon

Training & Education

El Camino Español Returns from Lebanon

The light transport ship ‘El Camino Español’ arrived at Valencia from Beirut with a cargo of vehicles that have participated in operation ‘Libre Hidalgo’ in Lebanon.

Most of them are BMR armored vehicles which have been replaced by the new MLV ‘Lince’. Surplus materiel as a consequence of the decrease in size of the Spanish contingent in the area was also brought back in the ship. The reduction in the number of military personnel in the Lebanon was ordered by the Government last November.

‘El Camino Español’ departed Beirut on April 17th and has sailed 1,000 miles in the Mediterranean. The ship has a complement of 40 people, all under the command of Lt-Cdr. Valentín Martínez Bazán.

The ‘El Camino Español’ is a transport ship capable of embarking all kind of Army vehicles. The ship belongs to the Spanish Army, but is manned and operated by the Spanish Navy.

Naval Today Staff, May 1, 2013; Image: Spanish Navy