FS Nivose Conducts Training with Djiboutian Coastguard

Training & Education

FS Nivose Conducts Training with Djiboutian Coastguard

During a port visit to Djibouti EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Ship FS Nivose lead a Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) training exercise with the Djiboutian coastguard. After being given an overview of maritime security training, from boarding a suspect vessel to the securing of a visiting ship, several training scenarios enabled the Djiboutian Coastguard to practice routines such as the stop and search of a suspect crew, progressing through the ship and securing a compartment onboard.

This cooperation is in line with the EU’s Commitment to working with states off the Horn of Africa to help build security and stability in the region. EU Naval Force units are working closely with staff from the recently launched EUCAP NESTOR mission, which aims to secure a long-term resolution to the piracy problem by enhancing the coastal maritime capacity of the Horn of Africa countries. These training exercises allow better understanding of maritime units involved in counter piracy as well as the sharing of experiences and promoting best practice.

Surveillance ship FS Nivose has been part of the EU Counter-Piracy mission, Operation Atalanta which contributes to the deterrence, prevention and repression of piracy since 10 April.

Press Release, May 6, 2013; Image: EU NAVFOR